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Custom easing

You can also use bezier-based and custom easing functions for your animations.

Ease collection vs. Easing from Remotion

To use standard timing functions in the Animated component, ensure that you're using the Ease collection from remotion-animated.

If you want to use an easing function from Remotion directly, you'll need to wrap it in a CustomEasing function first (see “Custom easing functions” below).

Linear animations

The Ease.Linear easing function is a linear bezier function that does not ease in or out, where the change in value is constant throughout the duration of the animation.

Move({ y: 40, ease: Ease.Linear });

Common easing functions

In addition to linear easing, many common easing functions are included in the Ease collection:

Types of easing

Most common easing functions in the Ease collection have three variations:

  • In: Starts slow, speeds up.
  • Out: Starts fast, slows down.
  • InOut: Smooth acceleration and deceleration.


A simple easing function using a squared curve (t²).

  • Ease.QuadraticIn
  • Ease.QuadraticOut
  • Ease.QuadraticInOut


Uses a cubic curve (t³) for smoother transitions than quadratic, with a more gradual acceleration/deceleration.

  • Ease.CubicIn
  • Ease.CubicOut
  • Ease.CubicInOut


Uses a fourth-power curve (t⁴) for stronger acceleration/deceleration; good for dramatic, fluid motion.

  • Ease.QuarticIn
  • Ease.QuarticOut
  • Ease.QuarticInOut


Uses a fifth-power curve (t⁵). Transitions very quickly between values in the middle of the animation, with a very gradual acceleration/deceleration.

  • Ease.QuinticIn
  • Ease.QuinticOut
  • Ease.QuinticInOut


Uses a sine wave for varying acceleration.

  • Ease.SinusoidalIn
  • Ease.SinusoidalOut
  • Ease.SinusoidalInOut


Based on the geometry of a circle.

  • Ease.CircularIn
  • Ease.CircularOut
  • Ease.CircularInOut


Uses an exponential curve for varying acceleration.

  • Ease.ExponentialIn
  • Ease.ExponentialOut
  • Ease.ExponentialInOut


Simulates real-world bouncing motion with multiple deceleration points.

  • Ease.BounceIn
  • Ease.BounceOut
  • Ease.BounceInOut

Custom bezier curves

If you want to use a custom bezier curve, you can use the Ease.Bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) function:

Move({ y: 40, ease: Ease.Bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1) });

Custom easing functions from Remotion

You can also use custom easing functions from Remotion's Easing module by wrapping them with CustomEasing:

import { Easing } from 'remotion';

Move({ y: 40, ease: CustomEasing(Easing.linear) });
Move({ y: 40, ease: CustomEasing(Easing.bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1)) });